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About the office

The office of Erlich Tal Engineers Ltd. (since 2007), provides a variety of planning, consulting and engineering support services in the fields of roads, transportation and infrastructure, including traffic and parking planning, physical and road planning, drainage planning, coordination of underground systems, planning control, management, coordination_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and supervision of infrastructure projects in the fields of civil and environmental engineering with an emphasis on transportation and infrastructure projects, including the provision of expert opinion services in the fields of engineering consulting as well as in arbitration cases.

The services are provided in a professional manner by expert engineers in the field with knowledge and extensive experience while meeting the requirements, standards and schedules in order to guarantee professional, high-quality and fast products. 

The experience in planning and accompanying large-scale projects is always done while ensuring quality and professionalism, transparency, entrepreneurship and technological leadership alongside maintaining efficiency and meeting schedules for the satisfaction of our customers.

Office Desk
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